The Texas Census Institute develops data driven tools to educate and inform stakeholders regarding the importance of the census.
Clear and accessbile information on the importance of the census is essential to ensuring a complete count. Guided by our research, the Texas Census Institute creates educational opportunities that demonstrate the importance of the census.
TxCI Thanks Robert Santos for Service as Census Bureau Director
As Director Robert Santos steps away from his position as head of the US Census Bureau, the Texas Census Institute expresses our gratitude for his leadership.
Census Roundtable Discussion in The Metroplex
With a population of 8.5 million people, the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex is currently the nation’s 4th largest region and growing at a rapid pace. As home base for the Texas Census Institute…
Why the Census Matters Now to Philanthropic ROI
The Texas Census Institute was invited to present at the 76th Annual Conference of Philanthropy Southwest – Unity in Action- on how philanthropy can bring federal dollars back to local communities and..
Funding Implications and Economic Impact of the Undercount in Texas
This summer, the Texas Census Institute launched its Funding Implications Series. Over the next several months, this work will explore the cost to counties, industries, and specific population groups as a result of…
Census Roundtable Discussion in The Rio Grande Valley
This regionally focused conversation, co-hosted by the Texas Census Institute, US Census Bureau, LUPE, RGV FOCUS and Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation, served as a vital platform for local stakeholders…
TxCI Selected for the 2030 Census Advisory Committe
Earlier this year, the U.S. Census Bureau announced the 23 members that form the 2030 Census Advisory Committee (CAC), which is one of three advisory committees the Bureau relies on for guidance…
US Census Bureau Selects Texas for its 2026 Census Test
Last month, the U.S. Census Bureau announced six sites where they will conduct the 2026 Census Test, the first of two major on-the-ground experiments in preparation for the 2030 Census. These are an opportunity for…
The Hidden Impact: Undercounting Children in the 2020 Census
The Texas Census Institute joins the Project on Government Oversight and identifies the funding implications of the 2020 Census undercount on children and young children in Texas across different relevant subtopics…
2024 Texas Demographic Conference
The Texas Census Institute joins partners from across the state and led two sessions at the Texas Demographic Center Conference: ‘Bridging Gaps, Building Futures’, leading conversations on the use of the American Community Survey in Texas and the Economic Impact of the 2020 Census Undercount in Texas industries…
Children under the age of five represent the largest undercounted population in the United States. Why?
The Texas Census Institute identified potential factors that contribute to the 2020 Census undercount of young children and children in Texas Counties to improve its understanding…
The 2020 Census Undercount in Texas Counties
The Texas Census Institute measured the 2020 census undercount of Texas counties to inform local and state stakeholders of the magnitude of this issue across the state, and to use it as a starting point for…
The 2020 Census Undercount of Young Children in Texas Counties
The Texas Census Institute has created the Children’s Census Initiative to improve the accuracy of the 2030 Census count of Texas children. The Initiative comprises five related parts…
Understanding the Decline in Census Response Rates: Uncovering Regional Patterns
The importance of an accurate census cannot be overstated. Decennial census counts determine government representation, direct the allocation of federal funds, and inform decision-making at all levels…
Texas Counties with High Child Undercounts in the 2020 U.S. Census
The largest group undercounted in the 2020 U.S. Census was young children. In our first report, The 2020 Undercount of Children in Texas, we developed a statewide snapshot of all undercounted children…
Announcing Updated Data Regarding Federal Funding to Texas
On Monday September 11, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) updated George Washington University’s Institute of Public Policy’s 2017 report, “Counting for Dollars 2020…
The 2020 Undercount of Children in Texas
The future prosperity of our communities relies on helping children thrive. When children are given resources and opportunities to be successful, they are better positioned to serve as valuable community members, citizens…
2023 Texas Demographic Conference
The Texas Demographic Conference is an annual meeting providing updates of demographic and socioeconomic data available for Texas Demographers, Economists, Planners, Marketers, State and Local Governments, Diverse Businesses…
Unlocking Federal Funds for Texas
In this post, we’re diving into the critical connection between census data, federal funds, and the issues that shape the future of our great state. Join us as we explore how accurate census data plays a crucial role in driving education, health, infrastructure…
Texas Roundtable Discussions with U.S Census Bureau Director, Dr. Robert Santos
In May, the Texas Census Institute hosted Roundtable discussions in Austin and Houston with Director Santos to address the challenges of achieving a complete count…