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EVENT RECAP  | October 2024

Why the Census Matters Now to Philanthropic ROI

The Texas Census Institute was invited to present at the 76th Annual Conference of Philanthropy Southwest – Unity in Action- on how philanthropy can bring federal dollars back to local communities and why starting now is essential to achieving an accurate count.

Santa Fe, NM: October 17

In partnership with Houston Endowment, NAEVA, Thornburg Foundation, and Census Equity Initiative

Hosts and Speakers

Angela Broyes, President & CEO, Texas Census InstituteLinkedIn

Allan Oliver, Thornburg FoundationLinkedIn

Ahtza Dawn Chavez, NaevaLinkedIn

Meghna GoswamiHouston EndowmentLinkedIn

Key Takeaways:

The Human Impact of the Census:  Through storytelling, the session explored personal pathways shaped by federal funding for individuals in Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, demonstrating the importance of the census in people’s lives.
Census Performance Drives Economic Development: The presentations highlighted the link between census counts, federal funding and economic growth in various states.
All Southwestern States Undercounted Young Children:  Nationally, and across the southwest, this vulnerable population is deprived of critical resources that improve health and educational outcomes for our nation’s children.
Starting Early is Critical: Successful census efforts take planning and deep collaboration across diverse stakeholders.  The most successful campaigns start early.
Local Messengers are Key to Driving Effective Engagement:  To effectively communicate with diverse populations, it is critical to have local, trusted messengers.
Philanthropy is Key to Leveraging Other Investments:  There are a multitude of tools philanthropy can leverage to incentivize greater investment in the census including matching grants, census training for grantees, and early investments that promote planning and collaboration.

Event Material

For more information about the event or our work, please contact Angela Broyles,

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