The Texas Census Institute develops data driven tools to educate and inform stakeholders regarding the importance of the census.
Clear and accessbile information on the importance of the census is essential to ensuring a complete count. Guided by our research, the Texas Census Institute creates datasets and dashboards at different geographical levels that demonstrate the importance of the census.
County Level Dashboards
Explore the undercount and its funding implications at the county level…
Region Level Dashboards
Explore the undercount and its funding implications at the regional level…
Regional Fact Sheets
Download relevant fact sheets we prepare for each of Texas’ 12 regions…
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our Data Hub products.
To learn more about the undercount in Texas and its implications for our economy, explore our latest Research and Dashboard.
The Texas Census Institute provides independent, nonpartisan, data-driven, and trusted census policy and program guidance that encourages census participation so that all Texans can enjoy a high quality of life. For more information or to join our efforts, visit